Li Shang Chen's profile

移樣計畫 /migrant worker

「移樣」進行活動-畫出對 "他國" 人的相貌印象,並寫下其外貌或性格上的特質,發現彼此間的共通點。
We hold an activity that people draw a foreign appearance(Southeast Asian worker or Taiwanese) and write down the impression to him or her, hoping everyone can discover the similar side between us.
The woman from Vietnam drawn her husband who is Taiwanese.
The man from Vietnam drawn his Taiwanese friend's appearance.
The taiwanese drawn the coworker from Philippines who dresses up himself by earrings.

報導刊物    the newspaper

專案 Project |  陳立上  郤鈺萱  胡家齊​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
插畫 Illustration |  郤鈺萱
文案 Copywriter |  陳立上
影片剪輯 Editing |  陳立上
平面設計 Graphic design |  胡家齊  郤鈺萱

移樣計畫 /migrant worker